iSpa Consulting Inc., New York
516 250 4822

SuperShot PRP

SuperShot®: A More Complete
Platelet-Rich Plasma

Why settle for standard PRP. SuperShot allows for the efficient concentration of autologous biomolecules from plasma, normally left behind and discarded with typical PRP procedures. Our patented technology makes SuperShot the only process capable of concentrating platelets and low density biological molecules, all in a 1-minute spin.

What is SuperShot®?

In Standard Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) centrifugation, potent biological agents are discarded with the Platelet-Poor Plasma (PPP). Blood plasma is rich in low density extracellular vesicles. Extracellular vesicles transport proteins and microRNAs that are essential for tissue regeneration, healing, vascularization, and rejuvenation.

Why use SuperShot®?

Extracellular vesicles in the plasma carry potent biologically active molecules including non-coding microRNAs. MicroRNAs are critical signaling components during wound healing, tissue regeneration, and neo-vascularization.  SuperShot® technology enables the isolation of low-density EVs, increasing their concentration in PRP, and the important microRNAs they carry within.  The EVs isolated by SuperShot® are autologous and collected and used at point-of-care, not shipped, or stored before use.  EVs and the microRNAs they contain within are damaged by freezing and lyophilization.  Aside from introducing serious risks such as infection from prions or viruses, allogeneic products are functionally degraded by processing and storage.

In a standard PRP preparation, whole blood is centrifuged into three components, separated by density: red blood cells, Platelet Rich Plasma, and Platelet Poor Plasma.  In SuperShot ® PRP, the Platelet Poor Plasma is centrifuged one additional time using the SuperShot ® patent-pending aqueous two-phase system, that precipitates low-density lipid-rich EVs from the Plasma.

How do you process SuperShot®?

SuperShot® is quick and easy. With just one additional 1 minute spin at 4200 rpm, SuperShot ® adds hundreds of billions of therapeutic EVs (and the important signaling molecules they contain within) to your PRP.  SuperShot® leverages the patient’s own biology Isolation of the low-density EV fraction from the patient’s plasma resulting in a more complete PRP.  SuperShot® does not use allogeneic or xeno-sourced materials.  SuperShot ® PRP is 100% autologous, which means no risk from donor pathogens, unknown sourcing, unproven allogeneic biologics, or immuno-rejection.

Find out more about how this SUPER products can increase your customer’s confidence and your New York medspa business. Call Paula today!